Monday, September 27, 2010

Put on Notice: True Blood

The wife and I were True Blood fans from the start. We've always enjoyed the witty dialogue and the goofiness the show brought. Plus, as opposed to that teen abstinence/melodrama crap that Twilight and others peddle, True Blood is great because it gives you laughs, some "damn, where'd that come from" violence and then some "damn, where'd that come from" sex that is almost comical on how close to porn it wants to be. I think it took all of four episodes of the first season for us to start declaring it not True Blood, but Vampire Porn. We jest.

But with the combination of the MaryAnn weirdo orgy story last season, Tara putting up Wet Rag Hall of Fame numbers and this season being rather bland on action, the wife is getting antsy. We both think Eric and Jessica are the best things going on that show, but when it turned out Sookie was a fairy, it went from bad to worse. She's starting to believe the first two seasons of goodness may be the best we'll see. And the way this season ended was less than stellar for her, and as the credits rolled, she let loose a doozy.

"I don't want another fucking season of fucking fairies drinking fucking fairy water from the fucking fairy cup of the fucking fairy pond in fucking fairyland."

Well there you you have it, True Blood. I think you have been put on notice. Better get your ass in gear next season. Just sayin'.

1 comment:

chelsea said...

oh, my. That is a lot of hostility. It's not like it is gilmore girls or anything.