Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Funnies

Today is Dan's birthday, and I've been thinking all week of movie clips that make him laugh, and dammit if I can't think of any. The guy just loves his damn French subtitled movies and shit shot in black and white and in the 14 years of knowing the guy I just can't recall a particular movie that made him laugh to the point of no return. So I'm going to go back to a classic scene that, while not funny on its face, once when I was living in Tampa, Dan, Luke and I laughed our asses off to this clip about 40 times in an hour. Ashley was not thrilled. But that is what happens when you mix herbal substances and a great gangster movie when you're in your 20s.

We always loved the two friends who just watch their buddy get pistol whipped. Funny stuff.

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