Saturday, July 23, 2011

My Design

One of the great joys of being a mildly competent graphic designer is that you occasionally get to do something special for friends and family. Thus is the case when my good friend Leigh told me that she's getting married.

As I've often done with others, I offered to do the design and printing for their invitation suite as a means for the married couples to get a unique and custom-designed set of pieces, as well as save a little money on the printing and supplies cost. It adds a lovely touch of personality and homemade goodness that takes advantage of the single discernible skill I possess.

So Leigh, David and myself spent several weeks figuring testing and printing and testing ideas before coming to rest on a bunch of materials, many of which are shown below. We settled on a clean look that blended some modern elements with traditional accents. Sounds like I'm describing a bottle of wine, or some bed sheets on QVC. Your call. It helps that Leigh took a picture of them for me since I was an idiot who just printed everything and turned it over to them without hanging on to any copies for my own safe keeping.

It was an honor to put this together and be, even if small, a part of their wonderful day in September. Maybe this will lead to more wedding-related work, or perhaps this will turn people off to the idea of me offering my services to them. Nonetheless it was a joy and privilege. Thanks, Leigh and David.

1 comment:

GreenMom said...

very nice!!!