Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday Funnies

Eddie Murphy has been getting a lot of press this week, for what reason I have no idea. I guess there is a movie (that probably looks like crap) or an interview where he says something questionably stupid. Shame, because the Eddie Murphy of my childhood was a comedic genius, even when it wasn't intended.

Case in point: the Party All the Time video. He really wants you to think he's as smooth as silk in this video, and if it weren't for the internet and the ability to savor this stuff 20+ years later, we can look back and witness the pure insanity of this video.

For one, Eddie can't sing. I'm not claiming to be Frank Sinatra, but I'm pretty sure I could make that exact same song, and I'm not famous. So he's got a slightly higher bar to achieve, I'd like to think. Then there's Rick James. He does many great things here from introducing Eddie to some new friends to making sure the sound is mixed just right (the 0:53 mark). Two things really stand out here: 1) His belief that this song is going to get him a lifetime supply of 8-balls (1:06 and really at 1:36 and 2:48) and 2) that he is actually contributing to the song by picking up that guitar at the end when even a housecat can tell the music hasn't changed a lick.

I've suddenly become addicted to this video, and I've watched it too many times recently because the scene is too damn funny. There's a Whitesnake reject rocking out with his chest out and a guy who's wearing Eddie's "Raw" leather outfit (both killin it at 2:12). And no video is truly complete without some guys getting a little too excited about the chorus, including one of them taking it to 11 on the excitement scale where he can't help but start fondling himself. Pretty sure Rick James paid for his coke that night.


Jay G. Tate said...

The guy who is fondling himself is Alfonso Ribeiro, right? Tell me it's true.

Campbell said...

I think you are right, Jay G, which only adds to the hilarity.