Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Man Card Member, No. 404431

The wife and I went apeshit over the Thanksgiving because of the leaves that fell into our yard. During the summer, our trees are a glorious thing. They keep the yard and deck 15 degrees cooler and make gatherings a lot better during those paltry DC summers. But damn, when the fall weather arrives, the trees attack our yard like Kilgore.

You look at the yard and the leaves and you think it doesn't seem that bad, just a few hours of labor and all will be well. It's when it's been four hours and you've only cleared the front yard and the driveway that you realize that is why all your neighbors are hiring migrant workers to do this shit instead. But I will not be defeated. A little back ache and sore legs and hands won't deter me from being a good homeowner.

Plus, when you look out over our back yard, it looks like we've buried about 19 zombies in the ground, with one of our dogs providing security.


chelsea said...

haha- at least you have not given in to the leaf blowers that are polluting our ears!

GreenMom said...

Go Klondike!!