Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday Funnies

I love the Olympics. The wife and I have been spending much of the last two weeks watching the Olympic trials, getting to know names and faces of athletes so we know who to cheer for in a few weeks when the London Games begin. Get me random athletes competing in even more random sports all for the love of country, and I'm sold. And as many of my friends know, I have a not-so-secret desire to quit everything and become the next great Olympic curler for the United States. Or any country for that matter. Hell, I'll join any nation that wants to channel this passion and let me become a curler. Sign me up, Zimbabwe!

I can at least say that I would try harder and put forth a better effort than this jackass. I vacillated over whether to make this an Idiot of the Day post, but I found myself laughing more than facepalming. With that, I bestow upon you the joy that is the lest competent hurdler ever. If they picked a drunken cat from the crowd I think it would have fared better.

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