Friday, August 3, 2012

Idiot of the Day

Oh yeah, I love you all that much I'm bringing you another post today.

This idiot has been on my radar for some time now. As a 12-year resident of DC, I'd like to think I've seen all manner of Metro rail passengers. The sleepers, the talkers, the singers, the panhandlers, the almost-nekked, etc. This guy dipped into the rarified realm of being an adult acting like a child.

Many children, especially those of tourist parents, will do what he did when riding the train. They'll stand and avoid holding any of the rails or handles and attempt to ride the train like it's a surfboard. Makes no sense, and 90% of the time they end up banging into a rail, or worse, crashing into someone minding their own business because like anything in life, the Metro trains are completely unpredictable. Drivers ride the breaks like a speed addict, and there are subtle tilts and shifts in the way the trains ride the rails (or don't ride the rails depending on your view of the cluster-eff that is Metro).

Anyway, as I've said, this guy likes to act like a child and not brace himself at any point during his ride. Maybe he's like a Murray or Nicholson character, but that's not a worthy excuse, because if you are that fearful of contracting plague, best thing to do is not board a metal tube of potential sick. But that didn't stop him from being an idiot, constantly bopping around and smacking into both rails, train car walls and people. It was ridiculous if not for its hilarity since this was a grown man acting the fool than for the other passengers who watched this dipshit also try to work his Blackberry while this was all happening. It was horrible. He is an idiot. Can't wait to see him again next week.

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