Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday Funnies

With my sister's birthday coming up, I thought it appropriate to honor her with a Friday Funnies via her doppelganger. Now, she probably doesn't know that my friends and I all think she looks like a younger Sarah Silverman, but we do. And when I talk to them about my sister, inevitably I get the, "Oh, you mean Sarah Silverman?" joke thrown back at me. So happy birthday (next week) to my wonderful sister, and hope she isn't too offended by Silverman's brand of comedy, which I love, to know that this comes from a place of brotherly love.

Oh, and my brother's birthday was last week, but I doubt he even knows I've had a blog for the past four years, let alone knows where to go to read it.

1 comment:

chelsea said...

Aawww, Chris- thanks! I have heard many times that I look like sarah silverman- although I would prefer jennifer love hewitt- I will take sarah silverman- I think that is still a compliment.