Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday Funnies

So on Monday I go under the knife for the first time in my life. No, it's nothing serious like having my spleen removed or getting a baboon's heart. No, I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled. All four of the suckers. They figured, well, we have to take two of them, so the others might as well join the pulling party.

I'm not thrilled about the procedure, if for no other reason than I had to sign all these forms (one of which included the whole, "yeah, you're getting anesthetized, so there is the chance it could kill you" part). The guy doing the procedure is apparently a total badass, so I'm sure I'll be fine, but I've never been put under before either, so this is a double-dose of unwelcome stress into my life.

Naturally, this means I needed to find some music and comedy to help put my mind at rest, and what better way than with Steve Martin and Bill Murray. Little Shop of Horrors is a classic. Ellen Greene, Rick Moranis, with nice cameos by Christopher Guest and others. But the dentist is a classic bit, and it's only right that I prepare myself for Monday's procedure this way.

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