Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Can I Re-Gift This?

So last month was my 32nd birthday. No big deal, I figured. I'm not one for birthdays or holidays or any of that stuff. It's just not my style. And while there were no candles or cakes or (thankfully) Happy Birthday renditions, I did receive one gift that I was not entirely thrilled about.

A gray hair on my head.

So now it has begun, the inevitable decline from youthful good looks into something resembling a drunk Burgess Meredith. Not sure that the above photo is a proper reflection of what my locks will eventually look like, but I think can handle a gray hair or two. I have hair at least, unlike Dan, who is holding onto his Homer Simpson threads as long as he can.

1 comment:

chelsea said...

I really hope you don't decide to make your head look like a wild animal, although it would be quite funny.