Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Cooking Space VIII

I know it's been awhile since I updated everyone on the kitchen remodel. It was a rough patch of times for a couple weeks there, I won't lie. To make a long story short, our kick-ass contractor got his deposit on our countertops stolen when the company he's been using for three years just up and closed shop without telling him. This put us way behind and had us wanting to burn our own house down for about 20 minutes on a Monday night awhile back.

But we pushed forward, and things are starting to really come into focus. Yesterday was a big day in the project. Lots of great work being done and, more importantly, lots of finishing work being done. One of those finishing things being put to rest was the installation of the kitchen faucet. Now, this may not sound very exciting, but we were stoked because not only did it mean running water in the kitchen for the first time in four weeks, but it also meant I got to test out the faucet.

And this is no ordinary faucet. We decided to get all fancy-like and buy the new Delta one where it turns on and off when you touch it. The video shows me demonstrating its goodness, and believe me, when I cooked some cajun catfish on the grill last night, that feature came in damn handy when both my hands were covered in cajun spices and marinade. Love it already.


KM said...

I'm surprised those Dainty Hands didn't get injured gently tapping that faucet.

Btw, your man card is taken away for good. Sorry.

chelsea said...

I am so glad you felt the need to show 26 seconds of that, and not 5 seconds. The more times you did it- the cooler it was. haha.

Campbell said...

I gladly retain my man card Kelly. You and your Skittle-eating dandiness cannot stop me.

KM said...

It's at least suspended. And leave the Skittles out of this.

But I will admit that's a cool faucet. A little overboard on the gentle patting, but still pretty cool.