Saturday, October 1, 2011

Idiot of the Day

Yes, I think the lottery is stupid and wasteful thing. The odds are so stacked against you in the hopes of winning that I'd rather have people save that money or do something, anything more useful than just handing it over at the counter of some shitty corner store. But instead I walk past the door of the bodega outside my office building and there are always 20 people wrapped around the aisles waiting to hopelessly believe that their two dollars is going to make them a millionaire.

Take this idiot, for instance. It's one thing to play the lottery. It's another thing to be buying scratch-off lottery tickets from a vending machine at 5 in the morning at BWI. I snapped this guy while waiting for my flight to Hawaii a couple weeks ago. He bought one, scratched it off, lost (shocker), walked over to the nearby trash can and tossed it, walked back and started all over again. After the fourth or fifth instance of this I just wanted to shake him into higher consciousness or walk over to the bar and buy myself a drink.

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