Thursday, October 27, 2011

Strapping on My Jetpack

This has been a rough couple of weeks at work, and naturally it's culminating in one of the worst weeks I've had in quite some time. So I need something good to happen. Really, anything. Someone to say something even remotely positive or reassuring. Maybe see a double rainbow or some basic human kindness. Ahh, fuck it, probably not going to happen.

My hope is to get a well-deserved release tonight as I go see We Were Promised Jetpacks, a fantastic band from my fatherland of Scotland. Want them to play loud, fast and hard. Strap on the jetpack and fly me away for a couple hours. This concert also has great potential because this is the first time that I can remember finding a band before Kelly and so it makes me feel about 4% cooler than normal to have him like a band that I recommended, since it's almost always the other way around.

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