Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Idiot of the Day

When I was back in Florida for my friend Molly's wedding, there were lots of good memories and reminders that I got about the things I liked about my time in the sunshine state. But naturally there were other reminders, once you looked past the warm weather and endless golf courses, of the bad things that state births. Like some annoying idiots.

At a golf tournament I attended with my pal Donna, I noticed this lady rolling herself around in one of those scooters that injured or extremely old people use. Except this lady was neither exceptionally old or remotely injured. She would roll her lazy ass up and down the fairways, then park the scooter wherever she damn well pleased. It was annoying to say the least, because she didn't give a shit for whose foot she ran over or shin she rammed into, as long as it meant she didn't have to walk to the garbage can or wait for people to get out of her fucking way.

The classiest move was parking her scooter in the pathway, walking up to watch someone tee off, then hauling ass in her scooter to the green to score the best seat possible. Oh, and she made it easy to hate on her, since she made it abundantly clear that she didn't exactly need the scooter for health reasons.

No, she didn't need it. She was just being an idiot.

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