Friday, February 3, 2012

Trailer Love

The last time a trailer for a TV show got me jacked up and excited, I was crushed by the massively disappointing "The Killing." And I'm not going back to it, either. But that was a show on AMC, and before that, I cannot remember the last time a major network show got me this excited and scared at the same time. Obviously looks like a promising idea of a show, and the trailer is pitch-perfect. But I have to remember that this is NBC, where shows go to die. So here's hoping that I get to see more than three episodes of this before it gets canceled due to bad ratings, and that it also has a more satisfying first season ending than The Killing. If I were a betting man (and I am), I wouldn't take bets on either of those happening, sadly.

But for just over 4 minutes, I have to admit to being greatly intrigued. I'm not saying smash hit here. Just intriguing. Isaacs is a guy I've liked in a bunch of smaller roles, and BD Wong has always been a favorite since his early days in SVU.

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