Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Temple King

After conquering Hearts, Spades, Euchere and many other games on my iPhone, I enlisted some friends to help suggest some mobile games for my phone to pass the time when on the train and just killing time. For someone who reviews video games for a living it was strange to ask others for suggestions here, but it's just not an area I deal with all that often so luckily I have slacker friends who had suggestions.

My buddy Dboy's suggestion was the popular game called Temple Run. It's a pretty simple game of running, jumping, sliding and getting rich. You collect coins in a game where the speed constantly increases and the crevasses get wider and the difficulty ramps up quickly. Quick thinking, that is what is needed. Kinda like Indiana Jones, but without a young Alfred Molina holding me back.

Well I got it, baby. Only took me a couple months, but I've become the Temple King. It's a self-proclaimed title, mind you. But it's true. I've unlocked all the characters and won all 36 achievements the game offers (and some of them are damn hard). Anyway, it's another step along the way and another notch in the totem pole of my greatness in video games. Or as the wife calls it, "the title no one cares about but you."

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