Saturday, August 7, 2010

Idiot of the Day

Leave it to me to attend an awesome concert yet still find someone who can take four minutes out of the evening to ruin it for me.

This dipshit brought his infant child to an outdoor rock concert that didn't end until almost 11 at night. Yeah, that's not super-late, but for an infant? Did he buy him a beer too?

Thankfully Dan was there and lent me his knowledge being the father of a 13-month-old kid. "Yeah, that's an infant, dude. Not a child. That kid can't be older than one or two months."

As I loudly said, "That's about the dumbest thing I've ever seen," I could clearly seen Dan nodding his head. I think he wanted to thrash that dude in public for being such an idiot. I don't think I would have stopped him. Later on, when we were checking out the merch table for any good t-shirts, Dan noticed a sign and said, "Why come to a rock concert if you have to buy ear plugs?" I angrily told him you would if you brought a 1-month-old to the show. He quickly said, "What an idiot."


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