Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Funnies

Tonight I'm checking out some standup comedy. And not from a likely source. I'm seeing the elder statesman of "Full House," Mr. Bob Saget.

I didn't pay much attention or give any thought to Saget when he was running that show about obviously staged home videos meant to cater laughter and hopefully some cash. Then a few years back I heard Jamie Kennedy made a funny video about hanging out with Saget and watched and thought it was pretty funny. A year or two back I also randomly caught Saget's HBO special and was blown away that the dude from Full House was talking about screwing co-eds and making fun of the Olson twins.

So he's coming to DC tonight and I figure, what the hell? let's give it a shot and see how he does. It better not be all hugs and light-hearted humor. I've roped Kelly into going because I told him he's going to tell some dirty jokes and it should be funny. Come through for me, Saget!

1 comment:

chelsea said...

So, what did you think?