Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Funnies

I've recently gotten the wife hooked on one of the best shows ever made, The Wire. I watched it on my own because I wasn't sure she'd be into since she consumes more than her fair share of Real Housewives and other shite that the networks churn out. But I promised her if she didn't like it after the first 7-8 episodes, then we could quit. I knew she'd love it, and soon enough she was hooked like one of Stringer Bell's customers.

I also knew she'd get a kick out of the famous "Fuck Scene." Not sexual in any way, this instantly reminded her of what my life would be like if I were a detective. That, or she's convinced the writer overheard me talking to Luke or something and decided to write a scene exactly how I am sometimes known to talk.

1 comment:

KM said...
