Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Don't Be Frightened ... Again

Got to see one of my favorite bands again last night. Frightened Rabbit was wrapping up the U.S. tour so I wanted to make sure I checked them out since they probably won't be back stateside for another couple years.

The opening act, Plants and Animals, was decent but it didn't sound like they've figured out what kind of band they want to be. Good set, but every other song sounded like they were appealing to a different crowd than the one before.

Once we got to the main act, things livened up right quick. They played a little longer because they are at the end of the tour, which was nice for the crowd. They played just about every track off their two newest albums, which was awesome. The only downer were the three chicks behind us who spent damn near the whole show taking each other's picture with their phones and firing it up to Facebook. Damn annoying ladies, and your drunk asses were missing out on some great music that plays well to a frisky audience. By now you all know my love of the band. If you aren't listening to them, you should be. No excuses.

1 comment:

chelsea said...

ditto for grace potter!