Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Funnies

The last year or so has all been about getting the wife hooked on TV shows that don't have the name "Real" or "Jersey" or a Kardashian involved. Seriously, I used to like Bravo when the showed replays of Newsradio, but now they're making me consider treehouse living with all the bullshit they show.

After I introduced her to the majesty of The Wire, which I still consider the best television show ever made (at least in the drama genre, top 3 otherwise in overall greatness), it was time to introduce her to another show that I was amazed she'd never seen, The West Wing. Not sure how she missed it, but apparently she did. My mother, naturally, was a big goober a bought the entire series in box set, so we borrowed it from her and have been plowing through the series at breakneck speed. Once again, the wife has become hooked, and I pat myself on the back for keeping our household Bullshit TV-free for another month or so.

The West Wing isn't full of drop-dead humor like a Newsradio or Scrubs, but every once and awhile the seriousness of the policy discussions gives way to a moment of levity. Like this one, for instance, where Bartlet loses his shit on the phone to the U.N. Secretary General, which had the wife laughing for about 3 minutes straight.

Or this one, in which the staff encounter some unruly ruffians in Indiana. And yes, I'm sticking to my guns that Indiana is full of ruffians and idiots (sorry, that's just what you learn when you live in Louisville).

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