Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Computer is a Stalker

At the end of the year, I cleaned out my iTunes of all the episodes of podcasts I listened to that way I freed up the space on my machine and just de-cluttered it altogether. The only podcast I had left was an episode of the B.S. Report, from sports columnist Bill Simmons. When I stepped away from my office for a meeting, I came back to a freaky scene. I know that when your computer goes to sleep, the Mac will randomly screensavers. One time it will be a rotation of your photos, another time it will be Apple tips, another time it will be album covers from your iTunes music.

To my burning eyes, this time it decided to rotate the cover of my podcasts. Problem being, I only had one episode of one podcast, thus turning my computer into a dual-screen display of full stalkerism. Damn. I swear I listen to other podcasts. Some fantasy football, some Photoshop techniques, Adam Carolla, a few other actors, etc. I was just screwed by the lack of episodes for my Mac to pull from. Shit, I'm hoping Simmons doesn't turn up in a ditch somewhere, because I'm looking like a prime suspect. I didn't do it, I swear!

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