Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Funnies

Of the countless video game trinkets that pass my desk, they all bow the throne of my Troy McClure figurine, something I acquired almost a decade ago from the wife as a thank-you gift for putting up with her during her time in law school. She was never further than eight steps away from a law book nor eight steps from killing someone with said law book. It was a special time for her.

Anyhow I was regarding my Troy McClure figurine and laughing internally at all the fun times McClure brought to The Simpsons. Plus, it was a double-dose of goodness since I have always been a big Phil Hartman fan. SNL, Newsradio, The Simpsons, he was as good a comedian as any I'd ever seen. So because of that I give you a tribute to McClure, who if you never saw his bits you just haven't seen greatness. Even a website (being poorly designed doesn't help) can't do his educational and movie roles justice.

Let's just remember, everyone: "Don't kid yourself, Jimmy, if a cow ever got the chance he'd eat you and everyone you care about!"

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