Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Prodigal Sandwich

This is one of my favorite sandwiches ever, but something I haven't had in more than six years. It's a simple tuna fish sandwich. A little celery, some arugula and a slice of cheese on toasted bread. Yum. The wife loathes the smell of tuna fish, so she banned tuna fish from the house. Harsh, I know. She rules the house with a Prussian-like intensity. It's been a long hiatus, but I finally convinced her that her fiat dictatorship cannot stand. So I brought tuna fish back, and the first bite was delicious. I'll be having many more of these, trust me. Welcome back, tuna fish.

1 comment:

GreenMom said...

prussian dictatorship?? yikes :) Free the tuna fish!!!