Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sheriff Asshole

Not sure if you pay attention to much outside your own area, but I do. And one thing I am getting real tired of is Lou Dobbs and all his asswipe cronies griping about how workers, both legal and illegal, are somehow ruining our country. Yeah, that lady cleaning your apartment is killing the fabric of America more than Madoff and Exxon. Sure, whatever.

Also high on my list of anti-immigrant assness is Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona. He's a Class 1, Grade A dick. This guy has it out for Mexicans. Legal or illegal, he's got himself a posse (funded by Bush's Homeland Security money, no less) and they terrorize Mexican immigrants, even ones who are here legally. It's insane, and as I have said before, karma is a bitch, pal, so watch out.

Anyway, here's a video that scarily gets to the point of what this guy does. If this isn't blatant racial profiling, I need someone to better explain it to me. Also ... two of the victims are kids who have been forcibly taken from their mother, who sent off with federal immigration cops.

Stephen Lemons of the Phoenix Times News, thankfully, is a real reporter who is not letting Sheriff Asshole go without being called out when possible. He has a damn good blog to keep this guy in the spotlight. Well done, Lemons. Your blog alone should earn you a Pulitzer. But even the award is not enough to stay the pain that dickweed is inflicting on families.

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