Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Oh. Crap.

I am not a superstitious guy. At least, I don't think I am. But this is going to test me for sure. If you don't know, there is a theory called the Sports Illustrated Cover Jinx. And now I really only care because John Wall has made the cover of SI. And if this means he blows out a knee (a la Derrick Anderson) or something else bad happens, I might just start believing. A loss wouldn't count because the Cats are not good enough to go undefeated.

But he can't get hurt, right? Right? RIGHT?!?!?!?!! This jinx has to have been replaced by the Madden Curse by now, right?

No doubt, I'm going to be tentative watching the next few games.


GreenMom said...

But the main question is......can you do the Shizz???

Campbell said...

No one should do the Shizz. It's his thing, and it should remain his thing.