Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Idiot of the Day XIII

This is an Idiot of the Day post, New Orleans style.

While watching the Thursday games last week in our nice lower level seats, one row down and four seats away was this guy (pictured at right). He was taking in the action along with the rest of us until the first TV timeout of the game when he started taking some other action.

On the sidelines.

The ones in the cute outfits.

Yeah, the cheerleaders.

Now, look, whether you are pro-cheerleader/dance team or not, do what you want with that. I didn't care either way until the timeout ended and instead of refocusing back on the game, this dude reached into his pocket and pulled out some hunting binoculars and continued the creepy staring.

For the next 4 hours.

And it's not like it was a packed house where he could blend in. Oh no, this guy had a blazing red Maryland Terps hat and empty seats all around him. He was creepy staring through binoculars guy and he was not shy about it. It was just funny watching everyone stare at him from time to time and also to recognize his focus. He had elbows on knees and joints were locked in like he was hunting elk.

Just saying man, maybe you want to be a little less obvious if you're gonna be the creepy guy in the arena. People get their asses kicked doing stuff like that.

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