Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Man Card Member, No. 404431

Yeah, I'm a little desperate for a man-style pick-me-up. For weeks I've got all sorts of dudes showing up at 7 a.m. and working all damn day on my house. Some are handling the kitchen remodel. Others did a nice upgrade to our electrical systems. Another group came in and came and redid our HVAC system. Many of these teams of workers are working on Saturdays even. I want to watch TV, play games and veg on Saturdays, and these dudes come in and bang out some great work. So I end up coming in day after day and feeling like a schlub.

So I'm taking a major stretch and giving myself a man card pat on the back for following directions. We got these industrial strength shelves for our laundry machine closet. Nothing special at all. Seriously, I could put 12 of these together in an hour I think. But, damnit, I needed to feel like I can construct something with my hands and drink a beer afterward (which I did). So there you go.

Shelves. By Campbell.

Damn I'm pathetic.


chelsea said...

Well, at least you read the directions instead of trying to put it together without them. You know, on the other hand, putting them together without directions might have actually granted you the man-card status on this one. Reading the directions might just be something a smart woman would do.

KM said...

Weak Sauce. Sorry, but this does not earn a man card.

As inventor of the Man Card updates I'm qualified to judge this.