Monday, November 2, 2009

Equanimity, Part 1

Main Entry: equa·nim·i·ty
Pronunciation: \ˌē-kwə-ˈni-mə-tē, ˌe-kwə-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural equa·nim·i·ties
Etymology: Latin aequanimitas, from aequo animo with even mind
Date: circa 1616
1 : evenness of mind especially under stress
2 : right disposition : balance

Among the jobs I do at CFED besides graphic design, I also run the bi-weekly staff meetings (my soothing, radio-like voice brings comfort to the masses when we discuss work). To add some goofiness to the proceedings, my friends Kristin and Leigh give me a particularly odd word that I must work into the meeting at some point. Monday, after a crazy and uber-busy week, during a recap of a lot of CFED events, the word I had to use was equanimity. I used it to describe Kristin during all of last week, but for my purposes I am going to apply it to myself as well.

Last week I got a ton of shit done. And most of it was a culmination of months and months of tribulation and hard work by myself and a whole crew of people at CFED. The main events started last Wednesday and finished off on Friday. Upcoming will be my tales of those days and nights and how it drove us all crazy, but in the end our collective equanimity ruled the day.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

You totally deserve to use it on yourself... in part because if it wasn't for your equanimity during the craziness, I surely would of gone insane! Everything you did was amazing, as always!