Monday, May 18, 2009

Checking Out a New Book

Yep, I've decided to try out a new book ... Facebook.

I fought it for years. I didn't want to do it. It's not that I thought it was a fad or some crap like that. Honestly, it just came down to the fact that I didn't want everyone I ever knew to find me and know all about me. The people who are my good friends know me well enough and I don't need to know what everyone is doing every minute of the day.

Well, finally I have broken down. The first thing that got me thinking was that this blog and my photography might be better served by promoting it to more than the 7 people who read this space. Then, I found out that one of my dearest friends, Florida Molly, who I had not talked to in some time was asking Luke why I had not joined. Her plea finally pushed me over the edge.

So now I am a Facebook member. Find me if you wish. I also created a Twitter account over the weekend, but have yet to really use it. Will keep you posted on that one. For now Facebook should keep me busy.


GreenMom said...

Was it my influence to get on Twitter? You can follow Coach Cal!!!

chelsea said...

Christopher Campbell- say it isn't so- I am dropping facebook, cause I am now tired of it.

mcampbell21 said...

i used to like it but they got to ridiculous with all the stuff thats been added