Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just Call It Quits, Man

I could write quite a bit about why my favorite band should just go ahead and call it quits. Sometimes, you just need to know when your time has passed. Or, at the very least, when things are not what they were. But to keep trudging out there only makes things worse, and for me just say no when offered to see you.

I have always enjoyed Aerosmith. I have all their albums, even the bad ones, and I have some of the best memories of concerts and meet-and-greets and so on that all have to do with the band. If they released a new album of blues music or something a bit more chill, I probably would still buy it and listen to it.

But when seeing photos like this, hilarious as it is, it just makes me sad. I laughed, and thanks for Kelly for passing it along, but man, Steven just needs to avoid the spotlight and maybe appreciate the fact that he's had a remarkable career with an awesome band and let that be enough. Sadly, I don't see that happening, which means more sad pics like this floating around.


chelsea said...

Not yet, I am seeing them in July.

KM said...

good god you passed this disease on to your sister? weren't they already old as hell by the time she was 5? she's got to be the youngest person at that concert by 10 years.

Campbell said...

I had no idea she was a fan. I would have talked her out of the tickets had I known beforehand.