Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Shamed for All to See

Kelly pulled a nice move and immortalized my visage on the interwebs. There is a sports site we like reading called Mostly sports humor and other related things. In honor of spring intramural sports leagues getting going, they allowed readers to post funny stories about themselves (or clearly, others) who have made asses of themselves.

That is where I come in. I'd re-hash the whole thing for you, but Kelly does an admirable job (a tip of the hat to you, sir) giving you all the appropriate details. It's coming up on the one-year anniversary of "The Catch." Not sure there is a good one-year anniversary present for this one.

You have to scroll down to read my story, entitled, "It Doesn't Look That Bad." And you get a huge picture I took of the whole event. At least Kelly was nice enough to give me the "Cops" treatment and blackout my identity. But that is me alright.

Hey, at least my face didn't look that guy's leg. Damn.

1 comment:

mcampbell21 said...

i cant believe you got hurt during warm-ups? thats not very good chris