Friday, April 3, 2009

Greening My Mother: 1.8000000009 Million Tons To Go

OK, so I'm unnecessarily putting my mom on the spot again. Months after calling her out for failing to put eco-preferred lightbulbs throughout my childhood home, I'm out for blood again.

You see, when I was a kid I thought Goofy cartoons were great. Mr. Wheeler made me yearn for my 16th birthday. Goofy Olympics made me play sports to my fullest potential. I have thankfully moved on to more mature cartoon enjoyment. But I still retained two Goofy mugs. One always has been at home for weekend breakfast usage. The other chills at the office where I use it for water consumption.

I drink a ton of water, like some kind of pack mule. And everyone else in my office uses the paper cups by the water cooler or the coffee pot even though there are 9 bagillion mugs in the cabinets. Drives me nuts. Then I found out that 1.9 million tons of paper cups are used each year. EACH YEAR! Use a mug for pete's sake, its not that hard. I have used this mug for at least 6 years, and it's serving me just fine. Come on people, this is another simple, easy change that makes a big difference.

Maybe my mom uses a mug already, but I needed to pick on someone to make the point, so unfortunately she gets it. Sorry, mom.

1 comment:

GreenMom said...

I have a favorite mug at work that I use - thank you very much!! In fact it is a mug I made myself...clay and my hands!!