Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Under the Bridge

It's been awhile since I shared a photo gallery, so now is as better time as any. Last summer the DC Crew went up to NYC to take in a couple Reds games and chill with our ex-patriot Eric, who had recently moved back to the East Coast from the much sunnier skies of California.

While Dboy and Dr. Dan caught 80-degree sunburn at Yankee Stadium, I accompanied E and Kelly down to The Banks, a legendary skate spot beneath the Brooklyn Bridge. It also happened that it was Skate NYC Day, so there was a phalanx of skaters, from novices to pros. E and Kelly fall somewhere in between.

Anyway, it was a cool day, if nothing else because I finally got to shoot some skate sessions and the photos actually turned out good. Kelly liked all the photos of him, except he keeps bringing up the fact that it was one of his lousiest sessions ever, so even though the photos are nice, he can't acknowledge or appreciate the large prints of them that I made because it reminds him of his failure. Great. That's just great.

So go over and check out Kelly "looking" awesome, while Eric impresses some onlookers while hitting the quarterpipe. As always, if you want more galleries check out the menu in the top-right corner of the page.

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