Wednesday, April 8, 2009

They're Here

I kept trying to deny it, but they are here.

The vacant, wandering eyes.
The confused faces at street corners.
The standing to the left on the escalators.
The illegal parking.
The picture-taking at the dumbest possible places and times.
The inability to walk.
The fannypacks.

That is right, people, the effing tourists are back in D.C.

I miss winter. They left us alone then. Now the weather is getting nicer, and they are crowding the streets. They can't read a map. They can't navigate arguably the easiest subway system on the planet. Drives me nuts.

I think Harry Reid (pictured) sums it up best.


KM said...

They can, however, eat fried food. If you see a tourist, chances are they're morbidly obese, wearing jean shorts and a goofy hat while waddling 4-people-wide on the sidewalks.

GreenMom said...

Your Aunt and Uncle and cousins were just in your fair city last week!!! Be careful :)