Friday, April 3, 2009

My Paper Challenge: March Results

Months ago I gave myself a challenge: Collect all the recyclable paper I received and weigh it to determine how much of an impact my paper consumption was affecting the environment. That makes it sound like a daunting task, but it's not considering I can't really scientifically say how my paper consumption screw over Mother Earth. But I was determined to find out anyhow, and see what I could do to trim it back as a matter of making a difference.

I first did this test in December, and the results were mixed. I had churned through nearly 8.5 pounds of paper. I was hoping that this was high, since December is a huge month for video game deliveries, press releases and advertisements for the holidays. I decided that since it was a (theoretically) heavy month, I needed to see what some other typical months were like to get some better statistics.

So I started back up again in March. I collected as much as I could remember to, and I think I did a good job, but I will post later about a rather disappointing realization that hindered or skewed my efforts. Anyhow, without further ado, my March weight in recyclable paper ... 4.76 pounds.

OK, three months later I nearly halved my paper intake. Not bad at all, if I do say so myself. I've definitely been more vigilant about harping on game companies to not bother with the press releases in the packages they send (I get 4 other versions of them through e-mail, so I get the info already). Now it's just a matter of continuing this study and seeing how wildly up or down December and March were. I've already started for April, so you'll hear back about this soon enough.

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