Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday Funnies

The wife, like a majority of female America, has an unnatural obsession with Jon Hamm. It's quickly beginning to rival her early-'90s obsession with Jordan Catalano and her circa-'Chocolat' obsession with Johnny Depp. I haven't seen Bridesmaids yet, and neither has she but hopefully her and Kristy will go soon so I can stop hearing about it. But in any case, these outtakes make me think the movie does have potential.


chelsea said...

Bridesmaids can be for men too! You most likely would not be the only man in the theatre- you sexist- I bet you are going to see the horrible idea to continue hangover as if the first one wasn't painful enough!

Campbell said...

OK let's simmer down there Chels. I didn't say I was wholly against the movie. And no, I haven't seen Hangover 2 yet, and potentially won't. But let's just simmer down, heh? It's just a damn video to make people laugh.