Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Sister, All Grown Up

Gotta hand it to my sister for pulling off a grown-up feat I have yet to do: buy her own car. She's made chemicals burst into flame, while I've created fire the old fashioned way. She's even gotten nearly fired from a job already in her young career, even if the person who did the pseudo-firing may be certifiably nuts. But in any case, I have to give a pat-o-the-back to Chels for making the big purchase. It's not the Mercedes Benz she's always dreamed of having, but hey, it's dark silver, I think Mercedes makes cars in dark silver!

1 comment:

chelsea said...

It has bluetooth, and 12V outlets, and a USB port and everything. Now, If I knew what any of that was used for, I would be all set!