Thursday, May 5, 2011

Trailer Love

A couple trailers to movies I am really looking forward to:

X-Men: First Class

What can I say, I'm a geek for comic book movies. And though I'm still excited for Thor (despite the trailers that make it look campy without the self-recognition of camp) and also Green Lantern (trailer looks like a video game I would likely pan), I'm really thinking this prequel trilogy they are trying to setup with X-Men is genius. Allows for new characters, new actors and good shorelines to set it all up.

Make Believe

You know me, I am a sucker for a good documentary that delves into weird worlds. Enjoying magic shows (mainly card tricks, screw the Cris Angel bullshit) is one of those dirty secrets of mine, and so I think this doc could be great in either two ways: 1) it's a good doc that highlights young people doing magic; or 2) Is a new Trekkies and Darkon for the laugh factory. Either way, I win.

30 Minutes or Less

Because I can't get enough of Jessie Eisenberg or Michael Cera movies yet. I'm still OK with just about any movie they are doing. Do I care that they are reruns of the same kinds of characters, only in different cities with different costars? Not one bit. Go ahead, tell me Social Network, Zombieland, Adventureland, Scott Pilgrim, Youth in Revolt and Superbad aren't good. Go ahead, but know you are lying to yourself. You lying liar.

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