Saturday, February 14, 2009

Maui: Day 1

So we certainly accomplished a few things on our first day here. Took care of good food (ate at Mama's FIsh House, a swanky nice place along the northern coast). Scored a solid opening-trip breakfast at our favorite breakfast spot in Lahaina. Got in some solid pool time at the hotel pool (which turned out to be this massive pool with 5 or six pools connected by waterways so you can swim to each one without having to get out). But to top it all off, I even got another ritual out of the way ... my ability to get sunburned in the fastest, dumbest way possible. My pasty white skin just cannot handle the sun, so much that it's comical. Even layers of SPF 50 were not enough to stop me from being a total idiot, missing a few areas, and getting burned on them. As a small consolation, I now possess some spiffy (um, not really) racing stripes on my arms. It's studly, and sure to catch the eye of a hot girl in a bikini as she begins laughing at me.

My apologies for not getting pics up here thus far. My initial goal was to blanket the blog with galleries, but in the first day I took a bunch of photos and for some reason cannot download them off my backup digital camera. It's being cantankerous with my new laptop, so I will keep trying. I owe pictures involving a pig (you'll find out soon enough) and other topics. Off to sleep now so I can hopefully start off Saturday on a burn-free note.

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