Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Vegas Observations, Pt 2

Before you read this, be sure to check out Part 1, as it lays the foundation. Now, on with the random thoughts:

>> Perhaps my biggest screwup of the trip was being drunk and believing that Sean would find one of the apps on my iPhone particularly amazing. When it's quiet and you turn on the lightsaber app, you can move the iPhone around and it sounds like you are swinging a Jedi knight and kicking some imperial storm trooper ass. OK, maybe I am already making myself sound like a dork, but trust me, when you are hammered and looking for a quick laugh it's a solid go-to. Anyway, Sean was clearly not drunk and after hyping it and showing it off, he proceeded to call me a loser for the next 72 hours. Damnit, I'm an idiot. Let's just move on.

>> I don't mind advertising, but holy hell if you could not feel the effects of the bad economy with the ads during the basketball games. Hugh Jackman is playing Wolverine in a Wolverine movie. It's coming out May 2. These facts are seared into my brain. May 2, May 2, May 2. Wolverine. OK, got it.

>> Luke had a rough go at the start of it with the sports gambling. He played lots of parlays and lost the first games in them right away. Then he made wrong choices in betting the points or the money line. But luckily he rebounded Friday night, with a rare-for-him three for three sweep in NCAA games. That's him showing off his three tickets while slightly inebriated at the Luxor. Good job, dukey.

>> For the first year in six or seven that we have all been going to Vegas, I chose to leave Sunday morning, avoiding the dreaded Black Sunday. This is because, as is tradition, we normally kick ass in the gambling Saturday night and then get cleaned up all day Sunday as we wait for our late-night flights. Vegas does this on purpose, I know it. They bring in the tough dealers, the dice that feel like lumps of coal, and no one is drinking so everyone is in a bad mood. We all know we have to go home, and it sucks. So I left at 10 a.m., and it was fantastic. I won't forget this sure-fire move.

>> Sabertooth! Gambit! Blob! Deadpool! Wolverine! It's Wolverine, the movie, coming May 2! Mark your calendars!

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