Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Funnies

I'd seen articles and previews on IFC for this new show Portlandia, but I'll be honest in saying I've never been a huge Fred Armisen fan so I kinda dismissed it. But then the wife showed me a clip on YouTube and I was hooked. Then a day later I saw parts of an episode and I was really hooked.

The show is sketch comedy and it's all about mocking things that I love, which makes it even funnier. Green lifestyles, organic/healthy eating, better or no cars, the Pacific Northwest, dog lovers, books, etc. It's fantastic. As the wife said, "It's a show that makes fun of everything you are, but I still love you anyway." Umm, thanks. That makes it a winner, right? I've still never seen a full episode yet, but you can bet your ass this show has become instant No. 1 ranking on the DVR.

1 comment:

GreenMom said...

Your wife is correct and your sister will love these!!!