Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Funnies

Luke and I share a weird fascination with QTips. Not sure why, but in college both of us discovered there are few things as satisfying as cleaning your ear canals. What can I say, I'm an idiot. Anyway, while cleaning my ears this morning I stared at myself in the mirror and instantly flashed to Lane Meyer trying to off himself hilariously in Better Off Dead. Thus, we have our inspiration for this week's Friday Funnies.

First up, one of the more underrated characters in the movie, the creepy Ricky. Fucking clowns. I hate them.

I used to use the next quote when I was in high school and college, and no one ever got it. To hell with them, it was a funny moment. And I'm still pissed some uncreative hack stole the exact line and then reused it in that shitty Charlie Sheen/Emilio Estevez movie about garbage men.

And lastly, the wife still to this day won't bring home a baguette without asking if I want some FRAUNCH BREAD.

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