Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Funnies

Two weeks ago the wife and I decided to give Community a chance. To this point it's the one of two Thursday night comedy shows on NBC that I don't watch, and mainly because I didn't have the time to devote two hours on a Thursday night to TV. I got too much to do, and 30 Rock and The Office were the horses I rode in on.

But holy shit, I love this show. Behind Parks & Rec, it is officially my second favorite "I don't watch them live, because it's more fun to crash course through them in three days" TV shows. We've only watched season 1, but this show has fantastic characters, high comedy, irreverent winks and nods to movies and shows of my childhood, and of course someone I've adored all my life, Chevy Chase (even if he's 130 years old).

This show is so perfectly tailored for me that the wife, several times through our viewing of season 1, said, "I just don't know how this show can exist. It's too funny, and yet it seems only made to appeal to you and maybe five other people with your sense of humor." Maybe there are more of me than I think, but then again the ratings prove her right. It's not a wildly popular show, but then again neither was Arrested Development and that was pure genius also.

How oddly strange and beautiful is this show? They did a whole episode that was entirely about the campus becoming a giant paintball match. Let's just say Friends would have never tried to pull this off. But because it's Community, the episode (and all of them, quite frankly) are always a collection of one-liners and send-ups of Hollywood movies and past shows. The paintball episode we watched twice just because I had to try and count how many movies were referenced. It was a lot, and here is a funny clip from it.

Senor Chang as Chow Yun Fat (Luke would be proud):

And then there was the Halloween episode where Abed dressed and did a great Batman spoof.

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