Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Greening My Mother

OK, I really hate using this title on this particular post, but I guess I made this bed with my eco-themed series, so I gotta sleep in it. This post is about underwear.

About two years ago I came across a situation Jerry Seinfeld put adequately. This meant it was time for replacements. I did some searching, and sure enough there was a company that was making underwear from organic cotton with the proceeds going toward missions like the Sierra Club, EarthSpark and many others that aligned nicely with my politics. Instead of just signing petitions, I could once again vote with my wallet.

So now I'm passing this one along to the masses. Pact is fantastic. Sure, like most upstart eco/green companies, their products are definitely more expensive than others, but nobody overhauls their entire drawer of knickers in one go. It's an iterative process, which makes getting a pair here and there easily manageable.

I ignore most of the weird patterned crap and just stick to the basics, but for those with varying tastes, they have just about any you want. Yeah, that's as far as I'm going with the whole underwear description thing. Instead I'll quickly shift over to the awesome pricing structure they have created. You see, if you are an employee of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, certified B Corp, or a K-12 educator, you can sign up for their Everyday Hero program, and get 50% off all their products ... for life. It's awesome (plus I'll selfishly admit to getting a discount if you mention my referral). I got accepted and it makes a nice dent in the charges, plus as they say, "Many of you make similar decisions by choosing careers where service is secondary to salary. As our thanks for choosing a profession that serves the greater good, but may not always serve the good of your savings account, we'd like to make PACT products a little more affordable through our Everyday Hero program" It's awesome that they make a commitment to those who care about their products but may not easily be able to afford them.

They also do other cool things like organize Flesh Mobs (nice title) and do lots of good sales throughout the year to encourage purchases for cheaper prices. I hope you'll ignore the whole "greening my mother" aspect of the post and instead focus on the cool and thoughtful way you can make a change in your life and the planet by making such a simple decision and what kind of drawers you got on. As Pact says, change starts with your underwear. Nice slogan, and it works.


Kristin said...

Whew! When I started reading this, I really thought it was going to end with a Rep. Weiner-esque shot of the underwear.

Campbell said...

No I'm not that desperate for readers. Yet.