Friday, June 10, 2011

Idiot of the Day

Not sure if this qualifies as Idiot or Pure Genius. I'll let you decide.

I normally can ignore all the inane ads that are posted on websites. I'm not looking to buy a car or learn about vacationing to somewhere I can't afford or whatever crap a given ad is peddling. After years of training, I've gotten good at looking past the ads, reading the content I actually came for, and leaving.

That is, until I was reading a HuffPo story about Hilary Clinton wanting to potentially run the World Bank. After a few graphs, HuffPo likes to break up its content with a shitty ad, which (as I said) I normally blast right past. But the one on this story caught my attention.

Now I gotta say, if there is a way to have shirtless women shove their heads up a woman's dress and achieve long-lasting sleep, then they need a Noble Prize for Economics. Guys know this works, it's called porn. I didn't click on the ad, but it's brought to you by Health Headlines, which is either run by drunken lemurs or the most brilliant and underrated advertising firm I've ever seen. Oh, and I love the bad photoshop job of pasting the face of someone's grandpa onto a steroid user's body. That's not even close to real.

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