Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What I've Read (sorta): Bossypants

Last weekend was my Aunt Honora's wedding. It was a fine affair. Splendid weather, good food, the chance to see my grandmother and other New Jersey family folks, and even the miscall stylings of a belligerent DJ who decided to cater to the 8% of attendees under the age of 30 and treat a noon wedding like an all-night rave. OK, so the DJ was kind of a pain in the ass. But I digress, it was overall a most wonderful time.

The drive to NJ was punctuated by a car ride tradition, the audio book. This time out, we listened to Tina Fey read her autobiography/memoir/life lessons/career guide/all-around funnybook, Bossypants.

We're big Tine Fey supporters here in my household. Her time on SNL doing Weekend Update and a few random skits were the only things I bothered paying attention to during her SNL time. I have always been a huge 30 Rock fan, as evidenced by it's appearance several times in the Friday Funnies. And the wife naturally became a huge fan three years ago during the whole Sarah Palin impersonation bits during the '08 election.

The appeal of Bossypants can be best summed up by the wife. She loves that it's a book about a star female comedian (a small club) and successful women who runs a Hollywood show (another small club). She loves that Fey doesn't want to explain her scar and doesn't feel she has to in order to be accepted and understood. She loves that Fey openly mocks the lookism and sexism of the workplace and Hollywood, and challenges the still-too-often held belief that women can't be funny without men guiding them. There's a lot to Fey, and we enjoyed it all. So much that the wife read the book, then sat cheerfully for 5 hours and listened the book all over again just so she could hear Fey read it herself. I think that makes her a fan. A good read for men and (especially) women, so I recommend checking it out.

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