Monday, December 15, 2008

What I've Watched: Tropic Thunder

When I hosted my Sunday supper club last night, my goddess divine and I were caught quoting Anchorman and some other comedies throughout the night that my three guests were stumped by. It was one of those moments when I realized that some people absorb movie quotes into their life like it's no big deal, and others have real lives and don't worry about such trivial things. I clearly fall into the former.

Tropic Thunder is filled with hilarious moments, many of which are based in some rather off-color humor that you need to have thick skin in order to truly appreciate. The fake trailers and opening 30 minutes alone are full of stuff that the politically correct crowd would run for hills from. But to me it's all in good fun, especially when the real jokes are being played on Hollywood stereotypes and what they think is funny.
Some cameos by Elijah Wood and Tom Cruise are very funny, and everything about Robert Downey Jr.'s turn as an Australian actor who dyes his skin black to play a black soldier. The whole premise of it is comical, and his Brando-esque need to immerse himself in the roles is just great to watch. I highly recommend the movie (even if it does seem to stretch out about 25 minutes longer than it should), and even if you don't end up quoting from it like me, you'll still enjoy it. Just try not to give me the stink-eye because I'm a crazy person who remembers lines from movies.

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