Friday, December 5, 2008

Prop 8: The Musical

Comedy. Musical. Popular actors. Not sure how you could go wrong here.

Of course, I wish they were singing a song about how much of an idiot Sarah Palin is, or perhaps celebrating Obama a tad more, but instead they get to make fun of the sometimes stupid people of California. Well, those stupid people who thought it was a great idea to suppress the rights of its citizens.

I'm all for gay marriage, gay people adopting and whatever the hell else gays feel like doing. My fellow hetero folk have fucked up enough things on their own. The world will keep spinning if gays can marry and have rights. And having rights is what this country is supposed to be about.

So I tip my hat to Jack Black, Alison Janney, Doogie Howser and all the others who make appearances here.

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

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