Saturday, December 27, 2008

Just In Case You Thought They Left

Those racist, idiot moronic, jackass fuckwads who think they know what's best for the Republican Party are back. Yeah, some of same fools who think everything with the GOP is just fine as long as they keep up with the racist, we're better than everyone else, white-and-rich only mantras they keep espousing. Now, I hate for that to sound like an angry rant. I know a lot of registered Republicans who are very smart people, and have solid ideas on where this country and world should go, even if they are opinion I disagree with. At least they make sense.

But this shit is just just ridiculous. I mean, get a fucking life, pal. This jackass named Paul Shanklin (who came up with the Bomb Iran song, which is not offensive, just merely stupid) came up with a song called "Barack the Magic Negro." Bad as that sounds, it actually sounds a lot worse. Someone impersonates Al Sharpton, who then sings about whether Barack is legitimately black or not. Rush Limbaugh defended it, but of course we should never trust a drug addict's opinion unless it's his. Worse than the song actually being made, but now it got more legitimacy from a pure dumbass by the name of Chip.

You see, Chip Saltsman wants to be chairman of the RNC. Well la dee frickin da for him. Too bad he's a total fuckup for using the song as part of his campaign to be chairman. Some are calling it satire, but I know that this isn't any friggin satire. Herb Block knew satire. Saltsman, to quote a favorite movie of mine, isn't leading but two things right now, jack and shit, and jack left town. The YouTube of the song is below. Shame on them. Shame.

Yes, maybe I am sounding a little off my rocker, but shit like this just pisses me off and doesn't do anyone any good. But go ahead GOPers, put good ol Chip in charge. Sure he'll make everything better.

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